
The Story of HomeWord

Once upon a time, 35 years ago, a group of people with a strong passion for helping the next generation decided to help kids navigate a changing culture and grow up to become responsible adults who love God. Out of this passion, HomeWord was born, and this passion spread as they partnered with parents and churches to help the whole family succeed. Their values became: Strong Marriages, Confident Parents, Empowered Kids, and Healthy Leaders. HomeWord began creating life-changing resources while equipping influential leaders and partnering with 2 million resources offered ton over 30 languages, all with the purpose of helping families succeed.


HomeWord's Values

Strong Marriages

Confident Parents

Empowered Kids

Healthy Leaders

Aiden Whisper Values Marriages

We desire for people to enjoy and celebrate their spouse along with all of their differences, not endure them. HomeWord conferences strive to remind couples how to actively celebrate one another as well as gives tools to healthier communication.

The parenting conferences stimulate parents with new ideas to better relate to and maintain healthy, empowering relationships with their children. Parent-child relationships move from hopeless and fighting to healthy and responsible. Aiden Whisper sponsors conference fees for couples in need and desperate for change.

Homeword Conferences

Understanding Your Teenager

This seminar is for parents and grandparents of teens and pre-teens. Attendees will learn what to expect from their children during the teen years and how to parent them with greater confidence, love and understanding. Our six “principles for effective parenting” will give parents the road map they need to successfully guide their teens through the rough waters of adolescence.

Generation 2 Generation

This seminar is for parents and grandparents of all-age children. Attendees will learn how to pass on a legacy of faith to children during the normal routines of family life. We’ll encourage parents to take more responsibility for the evangelism and discipleship of their children and we’ll teach them the skills they need to become effective spiritual leaders in their own homes.

Confident Parenting

This seminar is for parents and grandparents of all-age children. Topics to be covered are Finding Replenishment for Overcrowded Lives, Overcoming Negative Family Patterns, Creating a Grace-Filled Home, Communication, and Raising Kids Who Love God, as well as a strategy to create a healthy family atmosphere.

Building Healthy Morals and Values

This seminar is for parents and grandparents of all-age children. Popular culture continues to change and challenge us for authority and influence over our children. This seminar will help parents develop a strategy for guiding children towards healthy choices in such areas as entertainment, sexuality, substance abuse and technology.

Creating an Intimate Marriage

This seminar is for married couples. Couples will hear practical instruction about romance and intimacy, communication and conflict, friendship, fun, and growing toward spiritual intimacy.

Creating a Media Safe Home

This seminar is for parents and grandparents of all-age children. Media is one of the strongest influencers of our kids and many parents feel ill-equipped to build a media safe home. What about Facebook? Gaming? Music? Texting, sexting, and cell phone use and abuse? What about SnapChat and the latest teen movies?

Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality

This seminar is for parents and grandparents of teens and pre-teens. We’ll teach parents how to help their kids develop a healthy theology of sexuality to help them navigate today’s cultural influences.

Doing Life With Your Adult Children

This seminar is for parents and grandparents of all-age children. Parenting doesn’t stop when a child reaches the age of eighteen. In many ways, it gets more complicated. Dealing with boundaries, finances, and changing values are all a part of parenting your adult child.

Jim & Doug

Jim and Doug lead the HomeWord mission. They are recognized worldwide as pioneers in the youth and family ministry. Jim and Doug are helping to shape the way the church communicates to the next generation of parents in the areas of marriage and family. Between them, they have over 70 years of experience and more than 70 books and resources in print.